Species Compatibility

Species compatibility is actually checked against the eggs/ovum. Species are compatible based on their identifying species and their taxonomic classification if available which follows the order described here.

If the species is exactly the same, the compatibility is 100% (this includes hybrids which currently are only compatible with the same hybrid species); otherwise, the species follow a hierarchical taxonomic classification scheme, with each tier starting from the bottom and going up in lowering the probability of compatibility.


	Fennec + Fennec = 100% Compatibility
	Fennec + Arctic Fox = 50% Compatibility (because they are of same Genus)

When viewing someone's profile you will also get this Compatibility Summary which gives you a break down on your compatibility with said individual.

Class/Form Compatibility

Both species must be of same class or same form to be compatible; to alter either the class or form of a birth becomes especially important during conception as the form will always remain that of the mother while the class is always changed by the father.

Having your partner climax more than once increases your chances for conception. You typically will not know for a day or two if you are pregnant, but the timing is different for different species.


Every partner that has bred or attempted to breed with you will permanently pass their genetics to you. You can view the number of partners that have attempted to breed you by viewing your profile genetics under Character > Profile > Genetics.

Last updated